
Action trainings | Demonstration law | Tastings


Welcome on the website of Bezorgde!Burger (Worried!Citizen): independant trainer for action groups (and people who are interestet in those)

Before you are starting a demosntration (or disruptive action) it´s good to prepare with the usefull knowledge, skills and material. For this, Bezorgde!Burger offers a variaty of trainings and workshops. They are modified to the needs of the group or organisation.

The government has a duty to facilitate demonstrations. This also goes for disruptive forms of action and civil disobedience. Civil disobedience is the breaking of a law in the confidence that higher laws will acquit you.

Protesting is a human right. Not a 'favour' by the government.

The right to protest is under pressure. Even the Tweede Kamer is discussing to deminish it. Luckily it is not up to them. Because the right to protest is a human right and regulated on European level.

The fear of higher fines and sentences can, even if they have no ground, have a chilling effect on the citizen that wants his voice to be heard, by right of national and international law. But again, the right to protest is a human right and you are allowed to do more then you think.

It is up to the citizen.

Unfortunately some government bodies are not aware themselves of the laws they made or are set to uphold. But at the end it is the judge who decides whether somethings is a punishable offence and not the mayor nore the police, nore the prosecuter. For example, not announcing a protest can not be ground on which a demonstration can be dismantled. On the street you will not win this argument, but in court almost always.

Although it is the governments job to facilitate and protect your right to protest it seems that in practice that task is shoved back to the people.

Bezorgde!Burger is happy to help you out.